American Slang #6

·       Rip off: mencuri, menipu. Contoh: Someone ripped off my bike when I was sleeping last night.
·       Megabucks: banyak uang. Contoh: Mr John just got megabucks bonus yesterday.
·       Shoot some hoops: bermain basket. Contoh: Let’s shoot some hoops next Sunday, fellas!
·       Sofa spud: (= couch potato), orang yang menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya untuk menonton TV. Contoh: Don’t be a sofa spud, get a life!
·       Boob tube: televisi. Contoh: Nanny likes to spend her free time in front of boob tube.
·       Zit: jerawat. Contoh: Ouch! There is a zit on the tip of my nose.
·       Riot: orang yang sangat lucu. Contoh: Pak Tarno is a riot! His joke is so damn funny!
·       Dicey: beresiko, tidak dapat diprediksi. Contoh: Uncle Sam likes to do dicey job, he has become a stuntman for some movies.
·       Glitch: cacat. Contoh: I think this application should be repaired soon, there is a huge glitch when I used it.
·       Quick and dirty: dikerjakan secara cepat tetapi hasilnya kurang baik. Contoh: The reparation method that he does is quick and dirty, no wonder that his works have inferior quality. 


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