American Slang #1

All wet: completely wrong. Contoh: "Your ideas about politics are all wet."
Blown away: greatly impressed. Contoh: "I was blown away by your attitude."
Booze: alcohol. Contoh: "I need some booze tonight."
Break it up: stop it. Contoh: "Break it up or I will call your parents."
Con: deceive (menipu). Contoh: "Don't try to con me!" 
Cut: dilute (melarutkan). Contoh: "Could you cut my juice with a little water? It's too sweet." 
Dork: strange person. Contoh: "Oh… He's such a dork…" 
Flaky: unreliable (tidak dapat diandalkan). Contoh: "He's too flaky to do those things."
Goofy: foolish, silly. Contoh: "She's so goofy! We couldn't stop laughing!"
Have a buzz on: slightly intoxicated. Contoh: "I had a buzz on after the third glasses of beer." 
Heaved: vomited. Contoh: "I heaved on the floor last night."
Pain in the neck: annoying. Contoh: "My friend is a pain in the neck."


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