American Slang #4

Bumping: penuh orang (ramai), menyenangkan. Contoh: That concert was bumping!
Crackin’: memulai sesuatu. Contoh: Let’s get this party crackin’!
Babygirl: pacar (untuk perempuan). Contoh: My babygirl is so pretty, isn’t she?
Sweat: khawatir. Contoh: Don’t sweat the small stuff, be grateful.
Show some teeth: tersenyum. Contoh: Come on fellas, show some teeth! :D
Woot: ekspresi kegembiraan, kehebohan. Contoh: I just finished making my car modification. Woot!
Bang: mengagumkan, top. Contoh: You should go to that restaurant, their pasta is banging!
Blast: sesuatu yang sangat menyenangkan. Contoh: Happy birthday, have a blast!
Kick ass:sangat bagus,mengalahkan. Cth:-You did a real kick ass job on your English test. -We kicked their ass in that final match.
Kicks: sepatu. Contoh: Serena got some beautiful kicks from her aunt.
In: ngetren, fashionable. Contoh: Blossom dress is totally in right now.
Barney: polisi. Contoh: The barneys busted on some drunk guy last night.
Bust on: menyerbu, menyerang. Contoh: The barneys busted on some drunk guy last night.
‘Sup: a shortened form of ‘what’s up’, halo. Contoh: ‘Sup, fellas?
Peace out: sampai jumpa. Contoh: I’m leaving fellas. Peace out!


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