American Slang #5

Early bird: org yg rajin, sll bgn & dtg/bekerja lbh awal dr org lain. Contoh: She is an early bird, she likes to arrive here early.
Crank up: mengeraskan volume secara signifikan. Contoh: Please crank it up, I like that song!
Crash: tidur. Contoh: May I crash at your room tonight?
Nailed: menangkap orang berbuat salah. Contoh: Mr. John nailed his students smoking cigarettes.
Behind bars: di dalam penjara. Contoh: The cops already caught the killer and put him behind bars.
Enough is enough: sudah cukup, sudah tidak bisa ditolerir. Contoh: Enough is enough, I’m tired of doing all of these with you.
Know it all: merasa tahu akan segala hal, sok tau. Contoh: You think you know it all but you don’t know a thing at all.
Fall for:1) jatuh cinta 2) percaya sepenuhnya. Cth: 1) I think I’m falling for him. 2) I can’t believe he fell for that old trick.
You bet: tentu saja, tidak masalah. Contoh: - Thanks a lot for helping me today. – You bet!
Hit the spot: enak, pas, sesuai, memuaskan (makanan). Contoh: I like it, your soup really hit the spot.
La-la land: 1) tempat khayalan/impian. Contoh: 1) I don’t understand with her, she seems to be in la-la land.
La-la land: 2) sebutan informal untuk Los Angeles. Contoh: 2) John has lived in la-la land for five years.
Dawg: teman dekat. Contoh: You're gonna be my dawg from now on


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