Unit 2 - few, a few, little, a little

Pertama, ‘little’ digunakan u/ uncountable noun sementara ‘few’ u/ countable noun.

Kedua, ketika kita menggunakan ‘few’ atau ‘little’ tanpa diawali partikel ‘a’, biasanya kalimatnya berarti negatif.
Ketiga, ketika kita menggunakan ‘a few’ atau ‘a little’, kalimatnya mempunyai arti yang positif.
Coba lihat kalimat-kalimat berikut.
(1) A few of my colleagues turned up for my presentation, I was quite pleased.
(1) Arti : Saya senang karena beberapa rekan kerja saya datang untuk melihat saya presentasi.

(2) Few of my colleagues turned up for my presentation, I was quite upset.
(2) Arti : Saya cukup kesal karena hanya sedikit rekan kerja saya yang datang untuk melihat saya presentasi.

(3) I can’t go out in such weather and I have little food in the house.
(3) Arti : Saya tidak bisa keluar karena cuaca buruk dan makanan di rumah hampir habis.

(4) I can’t go out in such weather, but I have a little bit of food in the house.
(4) Arti : Saya tidak bisa keluar karena cuaca buruk, tapi di rumah masih ada sisa makanan.

(5) He has little money : Dia tidak mempunyai banyak uang.
(6) She had few friends : Dia hampir tidak mempunyai teman.
(7) I saw a few friends at the mall : Saya melihat dua/tiga teman saya di mal.

Supaya lebih paham lagi, coba kerjakan soal-soal berikut.
Ada 10 kalimat, nanti fellas tinggal mengisi yang kosong di dalam (…) dengan few, a few, little, atau a little. Read it carefully and choose the correct answer!
  1. They live in a very small flat because they have (…) money.
  2.   I really need to see him. I’ve got (…) questions to ask him. 
  3. Could we have (…) champagne, please? 
  4. Were you surprised? | (…)
  5. They’ve already been to Spain (…) times. 
  6. These plants require (…) and it’s very handy.
  7.  At home, the kitchen was a pleasant place. They were always (…) flowers in a vase. 
  8.  How’s your father? | (…) better, thanks. 
  9. Marion is fluent in Indonesian, English, French, and Spanish. It’s quite rare, (…) can speak several foreign languages. 
  10. This boy isn’t very popular at school. He’s got very (…) friends.

Remember, there are only four possible answers to fill in the (…) : few, a few, little, a little. Choose carefully.

The anwers : 1. Little | 2. A few | 3. A little | 4. A little | 5. A few | 6. Little | 7. A few | 8. A little | 9. Few | 10. few



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