
Dan Brown’s "Angels and Demons": the Fact within a Fiction

Abstract Dan Brown - in Angels and Demons, wrote about the existence of Illuminati, when everyone believes that they are already extinct hundreds years ago. Illuminati show up within the Catholic Church’s wall. The Catholic Church declares a war against Illuminati, its old enemy. Brown mentioned it as war between science and religion. Illuminati threaten the church with a bomb made of a new particle called Antimatter that can be used as the electricity power to the whole Vatican City for a month, but also can blow it just in one night. In writing this book, Dan Brown was inspired by his own life. The science and religion took a big part in his life. The making of Robert Langdon’s character was also inspired by his father’s friend, John Langdon. Brown also made his own perception about the illuminati, such as Galileo and Bernini were members of Illuminati, which they’re actually not. He also mentioned the “La Purga”, which actually has never happened in the real life, but in...

Penipuan Kiriman Paket dari Luar Negeri

Kayaknya postingn ini bakal lumayan panjang dan membosankan, tapi gue disini cuman mau berbagi pengalaman aja.  Cerita bermula pas ketemu temen baru di salah satu sosial media, namanya Mark Smith, ngaku sih orang Perancis, tapi tinggal dan kerja di UK. Saat itu juga tukeran alamat email dan mulai kirim2an email. tapi orangnya rada aneh kalo gue bilang, baru juga ketemu udah sok romantis aja kalimat2nya. Karena merasa gak nyaman, gue gak terlalu merespon email dia. Selang 1-2 bulan dari terakhir contact, dia kirim email lagi. kali ini beda. Dia tuh mau minta tolong gue, bilang mau nitip duit, selama dia mau pergi ke tengah laut, jadi dia ngaku kerja di perminyakan gitu, gue kurang paham. nahh... gue karena emang udah ngrasa "rada" kenal sama ini orang, ya gue pikir gak ada salahnya bantuin lah. Toh cuman dititipin doang. Dia bilang kalo udah balik ke daratan (macam kodok aja) dia bakal dateng ke Indonesia ngambil itu duit plus nikah sama gue (dih, siapa juga elu).  Ini fo...

Personal Opinion about Indonesia Nuclear Power Plant

This is my own "Personal Opinion" about Indonesia Nuclear Power Plant. INDONESIA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Did you know or ever heard that Indonesia will build a Nuclear Power Plant? Yes, since 1980s Indonesia's government has planned to build Nuclear Power Plant as the electricity power source. We can see, there are more advantages of Nuclear Power Plant compared with the disadvantages. But these disadvantages have big effect, even bigger than the advantages that we will get. Especially when there is a radioactive leak. Like what we know, there is a history of a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on April 26th, 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. An explosion and fire released large quantities of radioactive particles into the atmosphere, which spread up to western of Uni Soviet and Europe. The Chernobyl disaster is considered to the worst nuclear ` power plant accident in history. This is what am I thinking of that if go...